🗓 Date & Time: 11.February, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Dr. Emilia Palonen on ''Populism, Twitter and the European Public Sphere: Social Media Communication in the EP Elections 2019.''
Dr. Emilia Palonen will present her latest co-edited book with Juha Herkman, exploring the role of populism and social media in shaping political discourse during the 2019 European Parliament elections. Using real-time Twitter data from seven EU countries, the study redefines populism as an antagonistic political identity and examines transnational and Eurosceptic narratives.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 04.February, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to an engaging discussion with Damian Boeselager, Member of the European Parliament (Volt), as part of the "Europe in the World" lecture series.
Damian Boeselager will provide insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the European Union, touching on key issues such as democracy, EU policies, and the role of young people in shaping Europe’s future. The discussion will offer a chance to ask questions, exchange perspectives, and explore the broader impact of EU decision-making on our daily lives. This event is an opportunity to engage in an open and dynamic dialogue on the future of Europe with an active policymaker.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 28. January, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Evgeny Roshchin (Princeton University) on ''Drafting a Democratic Constitution for Russia: Learning from the Past, Looking into the Future''
Evgeny Roshchin will explore efforts to draft a new constitution for Russia amidst President Putin’s dominance. Together with Greg Yudin and Artemy Magun, he has proposed a framework to replace the heavily amended 1993 constitution, focusing on limiting presidential power, decentralizing authority, and strengthening federalism. The draft envisions a governance system grounded in democracy, accountability, and international cooperation, offering a hopeful blueprint for Russia's future.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 21. January, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Thomas Tödtling on "Geopolitical Tensions & Polycrisis: What Future for Multilateralism?''.
The world is confronted with several global crises. At thesame time we face a massive increase of geopoliticaltensions, great power competition, and a lack of trust inmultilateral solutions to those international challenges.Hence, the question is what kind of future there is formultilateralism and what is needed to make multilateralismready to deal with those challenges.
Thomas Tödtling, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation New York, will examine these issues, offeringan assessment of the current state of multilateralism andinsights into its potential evolution amid today’s global uncertainties.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 26. November, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Peter Schmidt on his latest co-edited book, ''Thirty Years After the Berlin Wall: German Unification and Transformation Research''.
The book examines the enduring differences and evolving social dynamics in the regions that once made up the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Even thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the research highlights the varied impacts of the unification process on mental health, political attitudes, and work-life structures, analyzed through advanced statistical methodologies.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 19. November, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
Andrea Gawrich (Justus Liebig University Giessen) and Michèle Knodt (Technical University Darmstadt) will discuss their contributions to the open-access book ''The War Against Ukraine and the EU: Facing New Realities'' edited by Claudia Wiesner and Michèle Knodt:
Andrea Gawrich will provide insights into Ukraine's EU accession process amidst the ongoing war, highlighting the challenges faced by the EU in defending democracy and the rule of law while simultaneously striving to prove its geopolitical capacities.
Michèle Knodt will discuss how the war has transformed EU energy policy, focusing on efforts to reduce dependence on Russian energy and advance sustainable and secure alternatives, including initiatives like REPowerEU.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 12. November, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Ekkehard Griep and Matthias Eiles on '' The United Nation's Pact for the Future- Results and Implications''.
Eiles and Griep, are members of the The United Nations Association of Germany, UNA-Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen – DGVN), a non-profit association that promotes the United Nations and the vision of a peaceful word. The lecture will discuss the contents and implications of the Pact for the Future, which was adopted at the UN’s Summit of the Future in September 2024 and aims to address global challenges.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 04. November, 18:00-19:30
📍 Location: Hochschulzentrum Fulda Transfer, Großer Seminarraum 3a, Heinrich-v.-Bibra-Platz 1b, 37037 Fulda
💻 Online Participation: Available via muriel.pluschke@sk.hs-fulda.de
Join us for an insightful lecture that explores the cutting-edge intersection of biotechnology and social futures. In this talk, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lemke will delve into the fascinating world of cryopreservation—the technology of freezing organic material—and its role in shaping future possibilities. By examining "frozen zoos" and the freezing of human eggs, Prof. Lemke highlights how these technologies are part of a broader practice of anticipation, allowing societies to manage biological futures.
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with the profound implications of these practices for society and the future of life itself. Whether in person or online, your participation will contribute to a lively discussion about how we manage and anticipate the challenges of tomorrow.
We look forward to seeing you there!
🗓 Date & Time: Winter Term 04.11.2024-11.02.2025
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda,Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We are delighted to invite you to our lecture series "Europe in the World", taking place this Winter Term from November 4, 2024, to February 11, 2025. The insightful lectures will feature distinguished speakers from the fields of academia, politics and NGOs, and cover a wide range of topics. We believe you’ll find the series both informative and stimulating.
The series will explore Europe’s evolving role in global affairs, focusing on key themes and new political challenges. Talks will cover topics such the United Nations, democracy, citizen perceptions, Russia´s opposition, and Europe’s responses to current conflicts, among other timely issues. The lecture series offers a unique opportunity for enlarging your knowledge, getting in touch with current academic and political debates, engaging in-depth discussion, intellectual exchange, and obtain a broader understanding of our world.
Everyone is welcome to attend single or several lectures without previous registration.