30 January 17:00-18:30
Hochschule Fulda
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming roundtable discussion '' European Integration as democratization?'' featuring Armin von Bogdandy (Director,MPI for Comparative Law and Public Law, Heidelberg, and Prof. at Frankfurt University) Christian Joerges (Prof. em. Bremen University and Hertie School of Governance, Berlin) and Claudia Wiesner (Prof. at Fulda University of Applied Sciences). The roundtable is scheduled for January 30th, from 17:00 to 18:30.
The speakers will delve into the intricate relationship between European integration and democracy in the European Union.
The lecture will take place in Building 22, Room 302. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
23 January 17:00-18:30
Hochschule Fulda
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Christina Müller from the Dubai/London Stock Exchange on the topic " International finance and international politics:Professional experiences" scheduled for January 23, from 17:00 to 18:30..
Christina Müller, with her extensive professional background at both the Dubai and London Stock Exchanges, will provide attendees with a detailed and seasoned perspective on the intricate relationship between international finance and politics.
The lecture will be held online and streamed in Building 22, Room 302.Online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
16 January 17:00-18:30
Hochschule Fulda
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Philipp Harfst from the University of Göttingen on the topic "What is Political Legitimacy? Internal and External Dimensions and Comparative Findings" scheduled for January 16, from 17:00 to 18:30..
Philipp Harfst will delve into the empirical investigation of a two-dimensional approach to political legitimacy research, bridging the institutionalist and political culture perspectives. By combining external normative and internal empirical perspectives, he will explore the relationship between these dimensions in an internationally comparative framework.
The lecture will take place in Building 22, Room 302. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Yannis Xenakis on the topic "Europe Wants to Progress United," scheduled for December 19, from 17:00 to 18:30.
Despite populist criticism, doubts about Europe’s future, and challenges to its values, Yannis Xenakis will delve into how the people of Europe aspire to progress united in the pursuit of peace and prosperity. The lecture will explore Europe’s significant economic achievements, including the internal market, a single currency, solidarity mechanisms for crisis management, and global leadership in the effort to save the planet.
The lecture will be held online and simultaneously live-streamed in Room 302 in Building 22 at Hochschule Fulda. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
Wir möchten Sie herzlich zu dem Vortrag "EU-Großmachtambitionen – real und wenn nötig mit militärischer Gewalt" von Özlem Demirel, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments, am 05. Dezember von 17:00 bis 18:30 Uhr, einladen.
Özlem Demirel wird einen tiefgehenden Einblick in die historischen Hintergründe der EU-Militarisierung geben, beginnend beim Pleven-Plan von 1952 bis zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen unter der Leitung von Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen. Der Vortrag wird die geopolitische Ausrichtung der EU sowie die Dringlichkeit einer Europäischen Verteidigungsunion eingehend beleuchten. Ebenso werden besorgniserregende Signale im Kontext globaler Machtspannungen thematisiert, darunter der aktuelle Krieg in der Ukraine und der Machtkampf um den afrikanischen Kontinent.
Eine Online-Teilnahme ist unter zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de möglich. Für diejenigen, die vor Ort sein möchten, wird die Vorlesung auch live im Raum 302 im Gebäude 22 an der Hochschule Fulda gestreamt.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und anregende Diskussionen.
30 November 13:30-20:00
01.December 09:00-15:30
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming international workshop, "Europe in the World: Ideas, Criticisms, and Challenges," scheduled to take place from November 30 to December 1, 2023, at Fulda University of Applied Sciences in building 22, room 302.
**Workshop Overview:**
The role and position of Europe in the world have been subject of intense debates in IR and beyond in the last decades. Different strands of argumentation touch on ideational, hierarchical, and material issues. On the ideational side, criticism of Eurocentrism addresses, on the one hand, a set of ideas, theories and practicing of a rationalist modern ideal of governing, relating to expertise and bureaucracy, and the consequences it had for the destruction of the planet. On the other hand, the Eurocentrism critique questions Europe´s colonial legacy. However, European modernity has a Janus-faced character, as it also stands for the development of representative democracy and human rights. Regarding the hierarchical and material questions, Europe´s economic prosperity, the question of centre versus periphery in the world economy, and again the question of the planet´s future are at stake: How does Europe, how does the European Union situate themselves in the Anthropocene? In addition, the role of Europe and the European Union in the world are now challenged with the War against Ukraine, the question being how the European States and the EU can position themselves in a changing world order. Importantly, Europe in all this is not identical with the European Union.
The workshop unites contributions that tackle one or several of these questions and challenges, theoretically and/or empirically.
**Date and Venue:**
- Date: November 30 (13:30- 20:00) - December 1 (09:00-15:30), 2023
- Venue: Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Building 22, Room 302
We believe that your insights and perspectives would greatly enrich the discussions at the workshop.
We look forward to your participation in this engaging workshop.
28 November 17:00-18:30
Hochschule Fulda
We are delighted to invite you to to the second lecture by Ignacio Nuno Molina, on November 28th from 17:00 to 18:30. Molina, representing the Council of the European Union, will share his insights on "Shaping Tomorrow: EU's Role in a Dynamic World." The discussion will delve into the European Union's pivotal role in addressing contemporary global challenges and its influence in shaping the future of international relations.
The lecture will take place in Building 22, Room 302. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
14 November 17:00-18:30
Hochschule Fulda
We warmly invite you to our first lecture "University Tour in the Run-up to the European Elections 2024," by the European Parliament Liaison Office in Germany on November 14th, from 17:00 to 18:30.
Featuring expert insights from Michael Gahler, a Member of the European Parliament, and Elizabeth Pender and Julia Thunecke from the Liaison Office, this lecture provides a valuable platform for engaging in a meaningful discussion on the European Union's role and the upcoming elections.
Whether you prefer to attend online or in person, our hybrid approach ensures accessibility, with the lecture live-streamed in Room 302, Building 22 at Hochschule Fulda.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
14.11.2023-06.02.2024 (17:00-18:30)
Hochschule Fulda
We are delighted to invite you to our lecture series that will take place during this Winter Term, from November 14, 2023, to February 6, 2024. These insightful lectures will cover a wide range of topics, featuring distinguished speakers from various fields, and we believe you'll find them both informative and stimulating.
The lecture series will address the topics of democracy, international politics, economic integration, legitimacy and many more, offering a platform for in-depth discussion, intellectual exchange, and the opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the world we live in.
The events will take place at Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302. For those unable to join us in person, we offer online participation via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions!